Analyzing Amazon’s EU Performance

Insights from PriceSpider’s latest Where to Buy report

For global consumer brands, the ability to make every moment shoppable means helping customers find and purchase products wherever they shop. For many, connecting the dots to Amazon is paramount. 

We recently released our EU5 Where to Buy Retailer Spotlight report, where we explored the lead conversion rate, purchase rate, and average order value, as well as top products and tips to drive conversion and sales. 

State of Amazon Europe: In Numbers
Before we dive into regionally specific insights, let’s take a moment to look at the overall health of the five main European markets: the UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. Amazon Germany and the UK are Amazon’s second and third biggest markets, making them exceptionally important to the company’s overall sales targets. 

All of the data in this post and the report itself is from our Where to Buy and Insights 360 platform. 

Those five markets had an average lead conversion rate of 12.3% last year (July 2023 to June 2024), which shows all of these markets have strong buying and purchase intent. The lead conversion rate increased across product verticals on Amazon in Europe and was up by 26% YoY, indicating strong product exposure and growing purchase intent​. 

The average purchase rate across the five countries was 8.5%, and the average order value was €34.08. 

Lead Conversion Rate 

European markets are displaying varying trends across different product categories. Amazon in France, Germany, and Italy reports significantly higher average lead conversion rates, while the United Kingdom leads in purchase rates. Overall, most markets are experiencing an increase in lead conversion across various verticals, suggesting a rise in purchase intent.

Purchase Rate

Purchase rates differ across European markets and product categories. Amazon UK boasts a strong purchase rate, averaging 12.6%, particularly driven by the Health & Beauty and Houseware segments. In Germany, high lead conversion rates combined with strong purchase rates suggest that customers are not only showing intent but are also completing their purchases on Amazon.

Purchase Lead Value

Purchase Lead Value (PLV) is the dollar amount attributed for each redirect to a retailer. This measures how many potential sales each retailer is receiving as part of the Where to Buy program. Between July 2023 and June 2024, the PLV for the five target markets in this report was $46.86 Million. 

Based on this data, it’s clear to see that the European Amazon market is full of potential for further sales growth, and with advanced Where to Buy technology from PriceSpider, you’re just a few steps away from making your path to purchase as seamless as can be. 

Manage your ecommerce data with confidence thanks to smart solutions by PriceSpider. We’re providers of Digital Shelf Analytics and Where to Buy shoppable solutions for forward-thinking, data-oriented businesses. With our Where to Buy technology, you can drive sales and optimize the customer experience at every possible digital touchpoint.

You can access more insights from Amazon UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy by downloading the full report. Register for your copy here. 

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