Paws on Pricing: Fetch Higher Margins with Prowl

A leading premium pet food brand partnered with PriceSpider’s Prowl to efficiently enforce their MAP policy. Their goal was to ensure consistent pricing across key retailers like Amazon and Chewy, while strengthening relationships with both online and
brick-and-mortar sellers.

After merging with another pet food company, the premium pet food brand faced growing challenges in maintaining consistent pricing across major retailers and various third-party sellers. Without effective MAP enforcement, pricing discrepancies risked damaging brand value and retailer trust. The premium pet food brand needed a reliable and efficient solution to monitor, enforce, and protect their pricing strategy across a complex network of sellers.

With Prowl, the premium pet food brand was able to seamlessly extend their MAP enforcement to manage the merged pet food company’s expanded retailer network. Prowl enabled them to
efficiently track violations and take swift action across key sellers. This consistent approach ensured strong compliance and increased margins for retail partners. Leveraging Prowl’s reliable data, the premium pet food brand maintained pricing stability, safeguarded their brand, and strengthened retailer relationships across both online and brick-and-mortar channels.

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